marchman act vs baker act

Marchman Act vs. Baker Act

As a friend or family member, when a loved one is struggling with addiction or alcoholism, you want to do everything you can to help him get better and turn his life around. But despite multiple conversations, interventions, ultimatums, and attempts to commit to positive change, an individual will often continue to refuse to seek treatment – even though everyone else can see the situation is dire and desperate.

That’s why, in some states, laws such as The Marchman Act and the Baker Act exist to involuntarily commit an individual to seek help. The Marchman Act and the Baker Act may be legal avenues for you to force your loved one into substance abuse or mental health treatment and get on the road to recovery. Let’s take a closer look at these statutes and how they work.

Marchman Act vs Baker Act

The Marchman Act and Baker Act have similar outcomes – placing an individual in court-mandated treatment – but different requirements and situational applications.

Florida’s Marchman Act, first enacted in 1993, allows for the examination and involuntary or emergency commitment of an individual for substance abuse. This step can be taken when an individual no longer has control over their addiction, becoming a danger to themselves and others. It can help lead to involuntary assessment, stabilization, and treatment for those who are deemed unable to make the decision for themselves. There is a burden of proof that falls on the person filing this act, and he/she must demonstrate that the individual

1) Has lost the power of self-control in regards to their substance abuse
2) Has refused to seek voluntary care. 

The Florida Mental Health Act of 1971, also known as the Florida Baker Act, is similar to the Marchman Act, but focused on mental health concerns. This can be initiated by law enforcement, court judges, physicians, or mental health professionals, and there must be substantial evidence that the person in question has a mental disorder, intent to harm oneself or others, or be self-neglectful. During a crisis situation (i.e. threats of suicide or self-harm), a third party can submit an affidavit to get an individual “Baker-Acted” through the circuit court.

The Marchman Act and Baker Act can both be life-saving avenues for families who feel they are at the end of their rope and out of viable options. Oftentimes, individuals can feel so helpless in the throes of drug or alcohol addiction that they become suicidal. Every situation is case-by-case, but these acts can be effective at saving lives and helping someone in dire need of treatment to kickstart the recovery process.

Which States Have the Marchman and the Baker Act?

While the Marchman and Baker Act are specific to Florida, the majority of states – including the following – have laws for involuntary commitment on some level.

  • Alaska
  • Arkansas
  • California
  • Colorado
  • Connecticut
  • Delaware
  • District of Columbia
  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • Hawaii
  • Indiana
  • Iowa
  • Kansas
  • Kentucky
  • Louisiana
  • Maine
  • Massachusetts
  • Michigan
  • Minnesota
  • Mississippi
  • Missouri
  • Nebraska
  • North Carolina
  • North Dakota
  • Ohio
  • Oklahoma
  • Pennsylvania
  • South Carolina
  • South Dakota
  • Tennessee
  • Texas
  • Virginia
  • Washington
  • West Virginia
  • Wisconsin

How Do I File a Marchman Act?

The Marchman Act is specific to Florida. The statute states: “Substance abuse is a major health problem with profoundly disturbing consequences such as serious impairment, chronic addiction, criminal behavior, vehicular casualties, spiraling health care costs, AIDS, and business losses. A disease which affects the whole family and the whole society requires specialized prevention, intervention, and treatment services that support and strengthen the family unit.”

In most counties, the required paperwork can be filed at the courthouse for that county. That paperwork, in addition to any sworn testimony, usually involves the county clerk’s office. There is usually a specific department for mental health, probate, or similar services.

The following parties can petition the court for a Marchman Act:

  • Spouse
  • Blood relative (mother, father, sibling, etc.)
  • Any three people who have direct knowledge of the individual’s substance abuse (The law permits this because, in certain cases, family members may not be involved in the individual in question’s life).

The process for filing is as follows:

  1. A sworn affidavit is signed at the local county courthouse or clerk’s office.
  2. A hearing is set before the court after a Petition for Involuntary Assessment and Stabilization is filed.
  3. Following the hearing, the individual is held for up to five days for medical stabilization and assessment.
  4. A Petition for Treatment must be filed with the court and a second hearing is held for the court to review the assessment.
  5. Based on the assessment and the recommendation that the individual needs extended help, the judge can then order a 60-day treatment period with a possible 90-day extension, if necessary.
  6. If the addict exits treatment in violation of the judge’s order, the addict must return to court and answer to the court as to why they did not comply with treatment. Then the individual is returned immediately for involuntary care.
  7. If the addict refuses, they are held in civil contempt of court for not following treatment order and are ordered to either return to treatment or be incarcerated.

More often than not, this process doesn’t play out fully. Sometimes, families seeking help for a loved one find that the simple threat or initial filing of the Marchman Act will push a reluctant addict to agree to seek treatment in order to avoid costly legal proceedings and/or personal inconveniences.

How Do I File a Baker Act?

The Florida Mental Health Act of 1971 (The Baker Act) reads, “Mental illness means an impairment of the mental or emotional processes that exercise conscious control of one’s actions or of the ability to perceive or understand reality, which impairment substantially interferes with a person’s ability to meet the ordinary demands of living, regardless of etiology. For the purposes of this part, the term does not include a developmental disability as defined in Chapter 393, intoxication, or conditions manifested only by antisocial behavior or substance abuse impairment.”

The process to file a Baker Act is as follows:

  1. The individual is committed by means of a law enforcement officer, a physician, or a sworn affidavit from another individual.
  2. A law enforcement officer takes the person into custody and transports them to a receiving mental health facility.
  3. The individual is examined and placed on a psychiatric hold for no more than 72 hours.
  4. The patient is given a mental health evaluation and further treatment is recommended based on the results.

What Happens to Someone Who is Baker Acted?

The affected individual goes to a receiving center, which is a mental health facility or a hospital qualified and equipped to treat Baker Act patients.

Will a Marchman Act or Baker Act Affect My Loved One in the Future?

Friends and family who are forward thinking and considering these actions may be wondering, “Will this involuntary commitment affect my loved one in the future, once he’s in recovery and finally doing better?”

You might be concerned about an individual’s future prospects for employment, renting or buying a home, or something else entirely. But good news: this filing will never be included on an individual’s legal record. The intent of the Marchman and Baker Act is treatment, not punishment. Additionally, because mental health and addiction are medical conditions, the process is strictly confidential and proceedings take place in a closed courtroom, with all treatment and assessment records protected by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

Get Help Today!

While it may seem extreme, involuntary commitment to psychiatric care has saved countless lives affected by addiction, drugs and alcohol, and continues to serve as a crucial nudge into recovery for those who need it.

If you or a loved one is struggling and seeking treatment options, Creekside Recovery Residences – with sober living housing options in both Atlanta, Marietta, St. Petersburg and Tampa – can assist in providing resources and options, including detox facility recommendations and/or interventionists with years of experience assisting families and individuals. We know what you’re going through and you’re not alone – we are here to help. 

Call us now at 470-460-6688 or fill out the contact form below.

post acute withdrawal symptoms

Signs and Symptoms of Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome

The initial stage of quitting drug and alcohol abuse usually comes with withdrawal symptoms. Most resolve themselves within several days or a few weeks. However, many people experience post-acute withdrawal syndrome symptoms and need proper clinical support to help cope with them. Creekside Recovery Residences offer a safe haven for people to live while working on their recovery. In addition, we provide access to medical and psychological treatment for those who need it. This provides people with an increased ability to stay on the sober path of living despite any withdrawal symptoms that occur.

What Is Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome?

When a person goes through the detox process, it takes several days and involves experiencing acute withdrawal symptoms. Many of those symptoms end by the time the individual has finished detoxing or within a few weeks afterward. For many people, some of the symptoms continue for an extended period. When this happens, it’s called post-acute withdrawal syndrome symptoms or PAWS. 

PAWS may produce withdrawal symptoms that are milder in nature than acute ones. However, they can continue for a long time, making it difficult for a person to maintain sobriety. This proves particularly true if they do not realize what they are experiencing. While some PAWS can be physical in nature, a person may be more likely to experience psychological or emotional symptoms. This makes it vital that the individual be prepared for this possibility and have access to proper care for PAWS. 

Common Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome Symptoms

Post-acute withdrawal syndrome symptoms vary in relation to the individual person and their addiction. When someone stops abusing drugs or alcohol, it forces changes in their brain chemistry. How long it takes for the brain to readjust and begin to naturally produce feel-good neurotransmitters isn’t easily predictable. Because of this, a person cannot be sure if PAWS will occur or what symptoms it might produce. 

Common symptoms include the following:

  • Depression
  • Irritability
  • Anxiety
  • Difficulty focusing and thinking
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Lethargy
  • Insomnia
  • Decreased appetite
  • Low sex drive
  • Unexplained body aches and pains
  • Cravings for drugs or alcohol

Treatment for Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome Symptoms

When someone develops post-acute withdrawal syndrome symptoms, one main concern is whether it can tip the person over into relapsing. For some people, especially if they are not forewarned, PAWS can cause them to want to return to substance abuse to relieve the symptoms. For this reason, it’s important for people to have available help to get through PAWS, should it occur as part of their recovery process. This treatment can come as part of a residential or outpatient program or during an aftercare plan. 

Someone dealing with PAWS can work to combat it through several avenues. The first is getting educated about it so they understand what is happening and that the process is temporary. Treatment programs often monitor for the condition, but it’s also important for each person to speak up if withdrawal symptoms linger for protracted periods of time. 

Someone with PAWS should make sure they attend their treatment sessions regularly. This includes outpatient treatment, individual therapy sessions, and medical care appointments. Additionally, medications can help people dealing with post-acute withdrawal syndrome symptoms. Many types of FDA-approved drugs can help with both medical and psychological symptoms that come with PAWS.

Just taking care of one’s health can pay off by helping to regulate PAWS. This includes getting regular sleep, eating healthy, and engaging in activities that occupy the mind and keep the person from isolating. Attending support groups or group therapy provides a person with an outlet to discuss their challenges and receive support. 

How Is Addiction to Drugs and Alcohol Treated?

Treatment for addiction to drugs and alcohol begins with going to a detox program. From there, people can transition into residential or outpatient care programs. In both of these cases, the individual should be monitored for post-acute withdrawal syndrome symptoms. These can be addressed through a variety of types of therapy modalities. This includes talk therapy, holistic therapy, and medication management

Someone living in a sober living home can also take advantage of treatment for post-acute withdrawal syndrome symptoms. Sober living homes provide a safe alternative for those who aren’t yet ready to return to their homes. They benefit from being around others who are living a sober life and need the stability that sober living homes provide them. While living in the homes, they have access to multiple types of outpatient care. This includes programs, physicians, and therapists who understand the intricacies of PAWS and how to treat it. 

Find Help for Substance Use Disorders Today

When someone makes the brave decision to stop abusing drugs or alcohol, they may worry about going through withdrawal symptoms. If post-acute withdrawal syndrome symptoms happen, it’s important the person has professional support for dealing with them. Creekside Recovery Residences provides access to treatment that helps people deal with a variety of withdrawal symptoms. Our goal is to help make getting sober a reality for everyone.

If you would like more information, please visit our admissions page today. We can answer your questions and help you get started on a program that will change your life.


Substance Abuse in College Students

The idea of going to college conjures up ideas of study sessions, making new friends, and building a bright future through education. Unfortunately, for many young people, it can also mean dabbling in drugs and alcohol. When this turns into addiction, lives can be sidetracked and educational goals put aside. Substance abuse in college students causes problems for many families, but treatment can help get the person back on track and healthy again.

What Is Substance Abuse?

Substance abuse is classified as a medical illness involving repeatedly consuming substances including drugs and alcohol. The drugs can include prescription or illegal drugs. Substance abuse affects a person’s brain and causes them to become reliant on drugs or alcohol. Addiction creates disruptions in the person’s private, work, school, and social lives. Substance abuse in college students commonly occurs, requiring the person to receive professional treatment in order to overcome it.  

Why Does Substance Abuse in College Students Happen?

The use of drugs such as marijuana, stimulants, and illegal drugs has increased on college campuses over the past decade. In fact, a study that monitored college students from their freshman to junior years found that nearly half of them met the criteria for having at least one substance use disorder.  

Any number of reasons can contribute to a young person developing a substance use disorder in college. For those who leave home to attend school, the freedom of living independently can invite experimentation. They lack the life experience and maturity to understand the downside of using alcohol and drugs, particularly in excessive amounts. 

For many college students, pressure to do well in school factors into the problem. Pressure can come from parents, fellow students, teachers, teammates, and themselves. Abusing substances can alleviate stressful or depressed feelings. Many students use stimulants to provide a boost of energy and a need for less sleep, which they feel helps them succeed in their school work. 

Peer pressure can also contribute to substance abuse in college students. Alcohol, in particular, flows freely on college campuses. Parties and dorms can provide easy access to substances and tremendous pressure to use them. Drug and alcohol usage also happens commonly in fraternities and sororities.

The Risks of Abusing Substances in College

Many young people who abuse substances may argue that they can handle it. However, being under the influence can cause them to miss signs that their lives are spinning out of control. In addition, they may be in denial about needing help. A major risk that comes with substance abuse in college students relates to school performance. Students who engage in regular substance use prove more likely to get lower grades. 

They also tend to miss class more often and spend less time studying. In addition, students struggling with addiction are less likely to graduate or find jobs after leaving school. They also are expelled from school more often than those who do not engage in regular substance use. 

Another risk relates to the person’s health. This can include short-term damage, such as frequent hangovers. As well, it can contribute to a general decline in physical health and long-term damage. Addiction can damage a person’s immune system and organs and puts them at risk of overdosing. Good mental health can also decline when a person becomes addicted. In fact, about half of those who have a substance use disorder also have at least one mental health disorder. 

Common Substances College Students Abuse

Substance abuse in college students can involve alcohol and any number of drugs. This includes prescription, over-the-counter, and illegal narcotics. Commonly abused substances include:

  • Alcohol
  • Cocaine 
  • Methamphetamines
  • Marijuana
  • Pain killers
  • Prescription opioids
  • Inhalants
  • Hallucinogens, including MDMA (ecstasy) and LSD
  • Stimulants

How To Treat Substance Abuse in College Students

A student who reaches the point where they need treatment for substance abuse has options. The first step involves going to detox. This process takes five to ten days on average. From there, the individual may choose a residential or an outpatient program. 

For many students, returning to their homes, including a campus location, may need to be delayed temporarily. For them, a sober living home can make the most sense. Sober living homes are often located in modern, attractive houses in great neighborhoods. Many of these homes are gender-specific and pet-friendly

College students can seek treatment during the day while living at the home. This provides them with the vital addiction care they need while giving them a safe place to live. Sober living homes remove easy access to substances and potentially triggering situations. Each person living there is in recovery, making peer support part of the treatment. When they are in stable recovery, they can transition back to school, ready to accomplish their goals with a sober mind.

Get Help for Addiction in College Students 

Do you have a son or daughter who needs help getting off drugs or alcohol? Creekside Recovery Residences has a program that helps treat substance abuse in college students. We provide safe sober living homes for your child to live in while they work on getting well. Each resident can access outpatient addiction treatment for substance use disorders while living in a safe environment free from temptation.
For more information, visit our admissions page. We can answer any questions you have about how to help college students get sober and graduate.

support groups for families of addicts

Support Groups for Families of Addicts

Addiction is a family disease. Support groups for families of addicts prove to be crucial as part of an overall recovery plan. When one person succumbs to the world of addiction, they never suffer alone. Loved ones experience pain and frustration watching someone they care about so much while they are unable to overcome their substance use disorder. For this reason, support groups help teach loved ones what their family member is going through. As a result, they can come together armed with information about how to help them navigate a newly sober life.  

What Are Support Groups for Families of Addicts?

Most people are familiar with support groups for people struggling with drug or alcohol abuse. What some may not know is that many support groups for families of addicts exist. These groups offer a new level of ways to heal from an addiction that brings the family into the circle of getting well. Support groups are typically free and open to anyone who fits the criteria. For example, a support group for people with substance use disorders should only be attended by those trying to overcome addiction. 

Alternatively, family support groups are for those who have a loved one dealing with a drug or alcohol addiction. These support groups can be led by a therapist or by someone who has a great deal of experience dealing with having a loved one who is sick with addiction. The leader of the group guides each meeting, offering their support and expertise. Groups spend time listening to members talk about their challenges, fears, and experiences. Everyone in the group can offer their insight, support, and advice.

Support groups sometimes have a guest speaker who contributes ideas or a story designed to help the families feel understood and make progress. Overall, people can tell their stories, express their fears, and both give and receive advice. The definition of family doesn’t have to include just relatives. Good friends often feel as close as family members. For this reason, close friends often take part in support groups for families. 

Benefits of Support Groups for Families of Addicts

Several benefits can come from attending support groups for families of addicts. First, many people feel embarrassed about having a loved one who deals with alcoholism or drug addiction. They keep their stories and their feelings to themselves, which can be quite isolating and frightening. Support groups allow them to unburden themselves in a safe environment where everyone understands how they feel. This type of bonding experience lets them know they are not alone.

A lot of solid advice and eye-opening ideas can come from members of a support group. When a family member feels at a loss for what to do, others often have ideas. They may know of a resource that provides treatment or have suggestions for ways to get through the process of worrying about someone they love. The group works as a team, which helps strengthen each individual. 

Where to Find Support Groups for Families of Addicts

Many support groups for families of addicts operate in major cities and smaller towns across the country. While many require attending in-person meetings, several offer online options. Meetings times and dates vary, but most people can find one convenient to their schedules. Here are several resources for support for loved ones. 

  • Al-Anon is the grandfather of support groups. It is based on the 12-step Alcoholics Anonymous tenets but directed at family members of those addicted to alcohol. 
  • Also a 12-step-based group, Nar-Anon provides support for families impacted by a member’s drug addiction.
  •  For those who prefer a secular approach, as opposed to one that focuses on a “higher power”, SMART Recovery can provide help. Self-Management and Recovery Training also offers an online forum and chat room. 
  • Parents of Addicted Loved Ones (PAL) helps moms and dads whose child deals with addiction to drugs or alcohol. 
  • Alateen is part of the AA family of support groups but specializes in offering help for adolescents with a loved one who has an addiction. 

People can also check within their community and ask physicians, therapists, and treatment facilities for more recommendations. 

Can Family Members Help Someone Who Has Completed Rehab?

Once someone completes a detox or other residential program, they still have work to do. Many people choose to move into a sober living home while they participate in outpatient treatment programs. During this time, family members may want to attend support groups in order to understand how they can support their loved ones. During a loved one’s transition from residential care to returning home, families can have an easier time coming together when support groups come into play.

Find Professional Addiction Treatment Today

Are you part of a family who wants to help someone they love that struggles with addiction? Creekside Recovery Residences understands that a substance use disorder doesn’t just affect one person. We provide beautiful, modern sober living homes for people who feel ready to embrace recovery in Tampa, St. Petersburg, and in Atlanta.

Skilled therapists use their experience to bring loved ones into part of the recovery process. As a result, families learn to communicate better, which can improve the ability of the family member to heal.
If you would like more information about support groups for families of addicts, visit our admissions page now. We can help your loved one while bringing the family back together.

is delta-8 addictive?

Is Delta-8 Addictive?

While not everyone develops an addiction, the question “Is Delta-8 addictive? deserves some consideration. It can be confusing in today’s world to understand marijuana and how it works. The introduction of medical marijuana and legalized use of recreational marijuana in some states can make it seem like using this powerful narcotic must be safe for everyone. A major component of different types of marijuana, it can become a problem for many that leads to a need for professional addiction treatment.

What is Delta-8?

The topic of marijuana usage has become more prevalent in the past several years. Many states have allowed the legal sale of marijuana for recreational use, which invites discussion as to how safe it is. Marijuana is comprised of several chemicals, including THC. THC is the chemical that causes a person to experience a feeling of being high. Delta-9 THC is particularly effective in causing this sensation. 

Delta-8 THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is similar to Delta-9 but the effect is not as strong. Delta-8 is considered a psychoactive substance that comes from the Cannabis sativa plant. Delta-8 is a cannabinoid produced by cannabis plants. Because the plant does not produce large amounts of it, manufacturing often comes from hemp-derived cannabidiols.  It is extracted from hemp or cannabis, which are legal, which makes it a legal substance on its own. 

The 2018 Farm Bill allows sales of legalized hemp, which falls under the definition of a cannabis plant that contains 0.3% Delta-9 THC or less. Levels of that amount are considered to be too low to produce a psychoactive effect. However, the Farm Bill does not directly address Delta-8 THC levels. As a result, vendors may legally sell it to people who often consume it as edibles, smoke it, or vape it. The FDA has neither evaluated nor approved products containing Delta-8. This means they have not been determined to be safe. This factors into the question “Is Delta-8 addictive?”

What Effects Does Delta-8 Cause?

Using Delta-8 can cause similar effects to those a person experiences when using Delta-9. A person may feel a sensation of being high. This can include feeling relaxed, euphoric, or sleepy. People often report a reduction in feelings of anxiety or depression when under the influence of Delta-8. When someone ingests this substance in high doses, they may experience things like music and colors in a more vivid manner, similar to drugs like ecstasy. 

Many people who use Delta-8 develop side effects such as red eyes, dry mouth, coughing, and food cravings. When they ingest unusually large amounts, they may develop feelings of anxiety or panic, paranoia, and even hallucinations. Sadly, children and pets sometimes end up gaining access to products containing Delta-8. Both kids and animals are drawn to edibles that appear to be regular gummy bears or other treats and consume them, unaware of the effects they may produce. 

Is Delta-8 Addictive?

Substances that alter how a person feels can be potentially addictive. Just because a product is legal does not mean an addiction cannot develop. These include items like alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine. People can become addicted to marijuana, as well as directly to Delta-8 they ingest in different ways. Addiction may take longer to develop than with other drugs, including opioids or stimulants. Still, the risk for addiction is real. 

The more often someone uses Delta-8, the more their tolerance increases. Delta-8 is a mood or mind-altering substance, which by definition means it contains the risk of becoming addicted to it. Like with any other potentially addictive substance, the person begins to use the drug more often at higher dosages in order to achieve the same effect. Chronic use of Delta-8 causes a person to become at risk of developing physical and or emotional dependency on it. If the person stops using it or greatly reduces the amount they use, withdrawal symptoms often begin. These can include moodiness, anxiety, depression, difficulty sleeping, and a loss of appetite. 

Treatment for Delta-8 Addiction

Someone who has found that the answer to the question “Is Delta-8 addictive” is yes will need to seek treatment. Outpatient programs can help a person understand reasons that contributed to developing an addiction. These programs can be attended while a person lives at home. For many, a more productive approach involves moving into a sober living home while going to outpatient addiction treatment.

Sober living housing provides safe, modern homes in popular neighborhoods. Residents enjoy the peer support that comes with living with others dedicated to staying sober. Sober living homes can provide access to treatment modalities including individual therapy, group therapy, medication management, and recovery coaching. Treatment like this helps the individual to understand how to replace substance abuse with healthy coping skills. When they return home, they find themselves better equipped to face life on sober terms.

Treatment for Marijuana and Delta 8 Addiction

Are you asking yourself “Is Delta-8 addictive?” because you are concerned that you or someone you love needs help? Creekside Recovery Residences understands that addiction comes in many forms. What may seem like legit usage of medical marijuana or using it recreationally in states where it’s legal can turn into a substance use disorder. When this happens, treatment can include choosing to live in a sober living home. We offer luxurious housing that allows you to recover among like-minded peers while having access to outpatient drug rehab services.

If you want to find out more about how we can help you change your life, visit our admissions page now.

relapse warning signs

Warning Signs of Relapse

Often a person finds themselves enjoying a sober life, thinking nothing can stop them now. Then, something like a challenging life event happens, their mood plummets, or they simply become bored and do not focus on staying sober. Relapse warning signs may begin to start without the person even being aware of them. This can cause them to delve back into their addiction and move back to square one. Knowing the signs of an impending relapse can help someone avoid falling into one. Getting help to avoid them or getting treatment right after a relapse occurs can keep a person from struggling unnecessarily.

What Is Relapse?

The term relapse refers to a recurrence of symptoms related to a disease. In terms of a purely medical disease, it can refer to something like someone relapsing into a cancerous condition they had previously been in admission from. In terms of substance use disorders, the individual has become sober after abusing drugs or alcohol, only to begin using them again. A relapse can happen just weeks after a person quits using or leaves a treatment center or it can happen years down the line. 

Just one instance of behavior does not mean a person has relapsed. For example, if someone who had remained abstinent from alcohol for a period of time had just one drink or a night of consuming several drinks and then did not drink alcohol again, that is not considered a relapse. It falls under the heading of a temporary and singular slip-up. 

What makes it different is when the use of the substance (alcohol or drugs) becomes a habit again. The person goes from having control over their addiction and being sober to engaging in the use of the substance as a pattern again. 

The warning signs of relapse occur in three stages, which we have outlined below.

Emotional Relapse

The first type of relapse warning sign is emotional. The person often isn’t even thinking about using substances again or planning to do so. Instead, their emotions have begun to feel overwhelming and problematic, which often proved to be a trigger to use drugs and alcohol in the past. Emotional symptoms can include mood swings, feelings of depression, and anxiety. 

Included under the umbrella of emotional signs are behavioral signs tied to troubling emotions. For example, someone might engage in any of the following:

  • Poor eating habits
  • Sleeping too much or too little
  • Avoiding friends and family
  • Not discussing their emotions with others, including loved ones and therapists
  • Skipping support groups or sober meetings
  • No longer using healthy coping skills they learned in treatment

Mental Relapse

When someone ignores the development of emotional relapse, they put themselves at risk of moving to the next stage, which is mental relapse. In this stage, the person begins to think more about using substances again. Common behaviors that occur during mental relapse include: 

  • Battling in their mind about whether or not it’s okay to use substances again
  • Fantasizing about getting high or drunk
  • Remembering past times of substance abuse as being all good and forgetting the bad times
  • Telling themselves they can handle using again just once or a few times
  • Glamourizing how much fun substances are
  • Going over potential plans for getting drugs or alcohol “just in case”

Physical Relapse

The final stage is physical relapse, which is when the individual actually engages in using drugs or alcohol on a regular basis again. While it does not mean they cannot come back from it, it does put their emotional, mental, and physical health in jeopardy. The faster they come to terms with the fact that they have relapsed and get back into treatment, the more likely they are to avoid another relapse down the road. 

Do Relapse Warning Signs Mean a Person Cannot Recover?

Experiencing relapse warning signs does not automatically mean a person cannot recover. In fact, when someone recognizes the signs, they often take swift action and avert a relapse. Even if they do relapse, there is no reason to believe they cannot get back on track. In fact, relapse proves to be quite common and happens to about 40 – 60% of those who are in recovery from a substance use disorder and is most common during the first year of sobriety. This points to the necessity of learning to recognize relapse warning signs because it can stop a person from entering into a cycle of relapsing more than once.

What Kind of Treatment Helps an Impending Relapse?

When a person recognizes they have begun to experience relapse warning signs, the sooner they get help, the less time they will spend suffering and jeopardizing their long-term recovery. One option that can turn a person around includes moving into a sober living home while they work on keeping themselves safe from relapse. A sober living home provides a safe space to reside with others who are also in recovery and working on their health and sobriety. 

Many sober living homes are located in upscale neighborhoods, have popular amenities, and even have a pet-friendly policy. Some homes provide access to addiction recovery coaching, which lets a person take advantage of someone who can help them avoid relapse or recover from one that happened.

Getting Help When Relapse Warning Signs Happen

Have you noticed relapse warning signs happening and fear that your recovery may be in jeopardy? Maybe you have a loved one who seems on the brink of relapse and they need a push in the right direction. Creekside Recovery Residences understands that even someone in strong recovery can quickly become at risk of relapsing. When this happens, it’s important to get help right away to keep from sinking fully back into a substance use disorder.

If you would like to talk about how to avoid relapse for yourself or a friend, visit our admissions page now. Our friendly staff understands how to help you help yourself or someone you love.

high functioning depression

Signs and Symptoms of High-Functioning Depression

A myth exists that someone dealing with depression finds themselves unable to get out of bed or function in their daily lives. Actually, many people who struggle with depression may act in a way that hides their conditions from others, including their loved ones. This makes it important to recognize the signs of high-functioning depression so that a person can understand they have an illness. This allows them to receive quality treatment that helps them manage their symptoms and live happier, more fulfilling lives. 

What Is High-Functioning Depression?

Depression affects one in six people at some point during their lifetime. Someone who shows signs of high-functioning depression may be diagnosed as having a major depressive disorder or persistent depressive disorder. Depression can be easily spotted in some people, such as those who find themselves unable to work, go to school, or otherwise participate fully in their lives. When a person develops high-functioning depression, those around them, including loved ones, may have a more difficult time recognizing what’s going on.

The effects of high-functioning depression may build up over time, making it difficult for even the person suffering from it to realize they have a mental health disorder. This type of personality often does not feel comfortable reaching out for help and will do their best to act as if everything is fine. In some cases, the person experiences short bouts of feeling fewer depressive symptoms. This can add to the belief that they just suffer from bad moods but manage to push through them. 

The term “high-functioning” can lend itself to the idea that the person who has this level of depression is stronger than others who deal with the illness. In reality, anyone who struggles with depression is at risk of becoming worse off and even developing suicidal feelings. This makes it imperative that the person receive professional treatment so they can overcome their depression.

Signs of High-Functioning Depression

Many of the signs of high-functioning depression are similar to those of regular depression. Common signs include:

  • Sleeping too much or too little
  • Low energy
  • Unexplained physical ailments like headaches, stomachaches, and body aches
  • Weight gain or loss due to eating in relation to moods
  • Constantly feeling sad or hopeless
  • Difficulty thinking clearly or making decisions
  • Lack of motivation for daily chores or hobbies
  • Feelings of guilt
  • Low self-esteem
  • Consistently feeling pessimistic
  • Crying jags
  • Withdrawing from loved ones
  • Lack of enthusiasm or trouble performing well at work or in school
  • Using or abusing drugs or alcohol to self-medicate

Someone with high-functioning depression may go to work every day and even excel at it. They may do similiarly well in school, hobbies, or raising a family. Still, underneath it all, they are fighting their depression and not living the happy, fulfilling lives they deserve. 

How Does Treatment For Depression Work?

Treatment for depression happens in a variety of ways, often in stages. Someone who has severe signs of high-functioning depression may need to start out getting help in a residential program, then move into an outpatient program. Outpatient care takes place during the day and allows the person to live at home while receiving it. 

As an alternative, many people benefit from living in a sober living home while getting outpatient care. While some may associate sober living homes with substance use disorders, many of them also help people overcome mental health disorders. In fact, a lot of residents in this type of home are receiving treatment for both an addiction and a mental illness. 

Can High-Functioning Depression Happen With Substance Abuse?

Approximately half of those who have a mental health disorder, including depression, also develop a substance use disorder. This is called dual diagnosis and can be treated by many residential, outpatient, and sober living home treatment programs. 

It’s common for someone exhibiting the signs of high-functioning depression to begin to abuse drugs or alcohol in order to try to alleviate their symptoms. Sadly, this attempt at self-medicating can turn into a full-blown addiction. When the person receives treatment for a dual diagnosis, it addresses both illnesses. As their depressive symptoms begin to subside, this can cause their desire to use substances to lessen. As well, when the individual stops abusing substances, it can help reduce the symptoms of depression.

A benefit of outpatient care, including that which comes with sober living homes, is that the person can receive medication management. This allows the person to work on themselves in traditional talk therapy sessions, including individual and group therapy. Alongside this, they visit with a clinician who assesses their need for medication to address their depression. This medical expert effectively oversees how the person does taking their meds and manages any need to change the dosage or type of prescription medication being used. 

Begin Treatment For Signs of High-Functioning Depression

Do you deal with signs of high-functioning depression and are tired of how challenging it can be to live your daily life because of it? Creekside Recovery Residences in Atlanta provides a safe haven for people to live while they work on treating their high-functioning depression. We offer comfortable, modern homes shared with peers who are also in the process of rebuilding their lives and can support each other. We provide access to several kinds of outpatient care that help you work on mental health disorders, as well as any co-occurring addiction to drugs or alcohol. 
Please visit our admissions page for more information on how to overcome high-functioning depression. Our staff will be happy to talk to you about our program and answer any questions you have.

LGBT sober living homes

LGBT Sober Living Homes: Sober Living for the LGBTQIA Community

While addiction affects people from all walks of life, it often hits particularly hard within the LGBTQIA community. Creekside Recovery Residences provides LGBT sober living homes that allow people to feel comfortable and ready to work on their sobriety. We offer recovery coaching, medication management, case management, and access to mental health services. When you come to us for help, we accept you as the individual person that you are. Our goal is to help you learn to put your substance use disorder behind you and get excited about your new life.

Addiction and the LGBTQIA Community

The LGBTQIA community includes those who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, intersex, and asexual/aromantic/agender. For many, accepting who they are and coming out to those around them can be stressful. They often face judgment and stigma specifically in relation to how they identify when it comes to gender and sexual preference. This puts them at a higher risk for developing behavioral health issues, including addiction to drugs and alcohol. 

Members of this community are 2.5 times more likely to end up abusing drugs and alcohol. They also develop substance use disorders approximately four times more often than cisgender people. The 2018 National Survey on Drug Use and Health reports that more than a third of the LGBTQIA community aged 18 and older used marijuana in the past year. This is more than double the amount used by the overall population of the same age group. 

As well, opioid use and misuse, including heroin and prescription opioids, was more than twice as high within the LGBTQIA community. When someone from this community enters treatment for addiction, they often have more severe substance use disorders than their counterparts. 

About half of those with a substance use disorder also have at least one mental health disorder. Those in the LGBTQIA community who deal with an addiction are also more likely to have a mental illness. Gay and bisexual men and women have a greater frequency of depression than heterosexuals. Additionally, transgender individuals under the age of 18 experience depression, self-harm, suicidal feelings, and eating disorders in a higher number than non-transgender people.

These eye-opening facts make it imperative that options for LGBT sober living homes exist in order to help this special group have access to the addiction treatment needed to help them become sober. 

Therapy Services Provided By LGBT Sober Living Homes 

When people move into LGBT sober living homes as part of their treatment for addiction to drugs and alcohol, they are able to use outpatient therapy programs. Many therapists, including those who work one-on-one and in group settings, offer ways to work on issues that affect those in the LGBTQIA population. Therapy sessions can help people identify what events or triggers led to developing an addiction. These same events not only can contribute to having a substance use disorder but also create or magnify symptoms of poor mental health, such as depression and anxiety.

Some of the issues related to being a member of a sexual minority that can be tackled in therapy include:

  • Coming to terms with gender identification
  • Acceptance of being a member of the LGBTQIA community
  • Low self-esteem
  • Coming out to loved ones
  • Resolving discord with family members
  • Coping with homophobia
  • Depression, anxiety, and other mental health disorders
  • Lack of pride
  • Discrimination in career and schooling

Many therapy programs also include family therapy as an option for those who would like to use it. This can bring families together in a way that helps everyone accept their loved one’s identity, respect them, and contribute to helping them heal from addiction. 

Benefits of LGBT Sober Living Homes

While some sober living homes accommodate only members of the LGBT community, many others welcome people from all identities. Treatment, in either case, is mostly identical, but those that include sexual minorities as part of their programs provide benefits not found in homes that do not do this. Some of the benefits of LGBT-friendly sober living homes include:

  • Acceptance of everyone who identifies as LGBTQIA
  • A safe and supportive home environment
  • Opportunities to socialize with like-minded peers in recovery 
  • Sober living home staff that understands the challenges of the LGBTQIA community and accepts each person for who they are
  • Treatment for any co-occurring mental health disorders
  • The ability to address challenges unique to members of a sexual minority
  • Help in creating a plan to come out to loved ones

LGBT Sober Living Homes in Atlanta

Are you a member of the LGBTQIA community looking for help overcoming addiction? Naturally, you want to get treatment from experts in the field of substance use disorders but also make sure they are friendly to all populations. Creekside Recovery Residences opens its doors to everyone seeking a new sober life. We provide beautifully decorated, modern homes that allow you to settle in and work on your recovery. You have access to effective outpatient care, including sources that help you deal with issues related to being LGBTQIA.

For more information about our LGBT sober living homes, visit our admissions page now and find out how we can help you help yourself.

how much does sober living cost

How Much Does Sober Living Cost?

Have you heard of sober living homes but don’t know much about them? One of the first questions people ask is “How much does sober living cost?” In many cases, it’s comparable to what a person would pay for a similar home or apartment in the same type of attractive neighborhood. Along with that, many quality sober living homes come with a host of amenities that allow people to get their needs met for entertainment, comfort, and safety. 

What Is Sober Living All About?

The term sober living is commonly known but what it constitutes can be confusing. Sober living homes are different from the initial treatment people receive for substance use disorders. Most people attend a detox program and then another program, such as residential or outpatient treatment. They have gained the initial knowledge and treatment needed to begin living without drugs or alcohol.

From there, many people transition to a sober living home. While living there, they usually continue to seek outpatient sources for treatment, including different types of therapy. For many, sober living provides them with a safe, substance-free environment they do not have in place yet for their own living situation. For others, it’s necessary to use sober living as a bridge between rehab and returning home in order to cement their ability to live in sobriety.

Most sober living homes have at least a few house rules the residents are expected to follow. This helps ensure everyone stays on the sober path in a comfortable environment. Some rules can include:

  • Attending outpatient treatment
  • Going to support groups, such as a 12-step type
  • Attending regular house meetings
  • Meeting with the house manager to monitor their progress
  • Submitting to drug or blood alcohol level testing
  • No possession of any type of addictive substances
  • Sharing household duties like basic cooking and cleaning

How Much Does Sober Living Cost?

While some sober living homes come at no cost, those types typically fall under the heading of a halfway house that is not privately owned and operated. Sadly, many of these lack the real comforts of home or desirable amenities. They also fall subject to government budgets and often do not have house rules that keep residents safe.

How much does sober living cost? It depends on the program. In many cases, a person can expect to pay a similar amount to what they would pay for a house or apartment in the same area. Houses that are modern, architecturally pleasing, and in popular areas of town may have higher costs than others. Another factor is what amenities each sober living home provides. Some offer only the bare minimum, while others may include several amenities that attract those looking for luxury sober living opportunities. 

Insurance generally does not cover the cost of sober living homes. However, it usually covers several options for outpatient care that a person uses while staying in a sober living home. If an individual did not choose a sober living home, their budget would likely need to include other, non-treatment living options, making it cost-effective to go ahead and move into a sober living home. As well, time spent in sober living often means a person proves less likely to relapse and need to return to rehab.

What Is Included In the Cost of Sober Living?

What each sober living home includes as part of its package varies per program. Answering the question “How much does sober living cost?” often depends on the amenities offered by the home. Creekside Recovery Residences in Atlanta provides a private room for each of our residents, and some en suite bathrooms are also available. We also include smart televisions, internet, and reliable wi-fi access.  

Our homes are gender-specific, allowing men and women to live separately and enjoy the comfort and bonds that often develop when living like this. Our homes are professionally decorated, modern, and located in upscale neighborhoods in Atlanta. 

We strive to offer homes that feel like safe havens for our residents. We want them to feel cared for and pampered while they put in the challenging and rewarding work of learning to enjoy a sober life. For so many people who graduate from our program, the question isn’t how much does sober living cost but rather how much will it cost them if they do not seek out this valuable and life-saving treatment?

Goals You Can Accomplish With Sober Living

Life in a sober living home allows people to accomplish goals both inside and outside of the home. Living with like-minded peers all focused on sober life helps keep everyone motivated. It also provides everyone with resources they can turn to when they need advice or inspiration.

Outside of the home, residents can achieve goals related to attending outpatient treatment. Options like individual, group, and holistic therapy help people stay focused on learning how to navigate the world without needing drugs or alcohol. 

Because life as an addict is often chaotic, a sober living home offers the chance to establish a healthy routine again. This includes not only treatment sessions but also the art of self-care through things like exercise and eating healthy. Along with this, many residents have the opportunity to work part-time, attend school, or get involved in volunteer work. They also have time to participate in fun, sober social events.  

Find A Sober Living Home Today

Do you need a safe haven to move to while you work on your recovery from alcohol or drugs? Sometimes the place you reside in makes all the difference as you try to put a substance use disorder in your past. Creekside Recovery Residences provides modern, attractive homes that allow you the space to take advantage of outpatient care while being surrounded by your peers. Our trigger-free environments make it easier to stay sober and prepare yourself for returning home.

Visit our admissions page today and find out how easy it is to make tomorrow the first day of the rest of your healthy new life. We can answer “How much does sober living cost?” and any other questions you have.


Sober Living Daily Schedule: What Happens During Sober Living?

Are you ready to tackle your addiction to drugs and alcohol but aren’t sure where to start? Maybe you’ve committed to a detox or inpatient plan but want follow-up care that keeps you focused on knowing how to avoid relapse. If so, a sober living house may be what you need. The idea of living in one might not sound familiar, which is why we’re offering a look at a sober living daily schedule. It balances receiving valuable outpatient treatment with having a safe place to live. 

Sober Living Daily Schedules For Therapy

Sober living daily schedules vary depending on the particular sober home. They generally fall into two categories. The first centers around the type of outpatient rehab each resident engages in. How often they attend each session depends on the individual’s needs and goals. Treatment sessions usually include some of the following:

Individual therapy: One-on-one counseling helps people dig deep and figure out the root cause of developing their addiction. From there, they can develop healthy coping skills that help fight the urge to relapse

Group therapy: Sometimes held in the home, group therapy can also take place off-site. A counselor leads everyone in learning to embrace their sobriety. It offers each person a chance to support and learn from each other. 

Support Groups: 12-step support groups prove popular because they help millions of people. Other types of support groups work for many, too. Typically free to all, people can continue to attend them after they return home. 

Holistic Therapy: This type of therapy embraces the idea that the body, mind, and spirit connect to one another. Treating one provides progress in all areas. Types of holistic therapy include yoga, acupuncture, massage therapy, art therapy, and equine therapy. 

Sober Living Daily Schedules Within the Home

The second category of sober living daily schedules involves what goes on inside the home. Schedules vary per home, but in general, are set according to the needs of the individual, as well as the group as a whole. In-home schedules can include a set wake-up time and bedtime for all residents. 

Some or all of the meals may occur at scheduled times, too. Additionally, residents may have assigned times to help prepare the meals. Some homes require that residents perform chores. This can include keeping their rooms tidy and contributing to basic housekeeping chores. Activities like cleaning and cooking together help promote camaraderie. This allows residents to get to know each other, promotes bonds, and increases the amount of peer support. 

Many sober living homes have mandatory house meetings, often on a weekly basis. Residents come together and discuss any issues they have. A house manager can help mediate any concerns and assist in problem-solving.  

Knowing that relaxation is key to healing, most sober living homes build free time into their schedules. Therapy and other treatment modalities can be taxing. Knowing there is time to watch a favorite TV show, chat with others, or just relax on their own helps residents recharge. 

For homes that allow visitation from family and friends, it often occurs as part of a schedule. They realize the value of residents getting to spend time with loved ones and update them on their progress. Keeping visits on a schedule helps everyone, including the other residents, know what to expect. This keeps unauthorized or overnight visits that aren’t allowed from happening.

Why Are Sober Living Daily Schedules Important?

Often, during addiction, people become laser-focused on their drug and alcohol consumption. Because of this, they lose the ability to create and maintain a schedule. Sober living daily schedules help each person relearn the art of living by a schedule. This sense of order cuts down on the unfocused time that may result in a person being tempted to use drugs or alcohol. Additionally, when each resident has a schedule, it makes it difficult for one person to engage in dangerous behavior that might result in relapse. A peer community with focused schedules makes everyone more accountable. 

What Is Luxury Sober Living Like?

The goal of sober living homes is to provide a safe living space for people working on their sobriety. Having said that, not all sober houses are created equal. Some offer minimal amenities, often in older homes that may not be in popular parts of town. As an alternative, many people prefer luxury sober living homes. 

These types of sober living homes are typically recently renovated and professionally decorated houses. They don’t feel like a halfway house. Instead, they provide an inviting setting in upscale neighborhoods. Residents can truly feel at home, while also feeling cared for and safe. Each person who stays with us at Creekside gets a shared or private bedroom equipped with a smart TV. Some bedrooms feature an en suite bathroom. 

Updated gourmet kitchens offer a soothing place to enjoy a cup of coffee or a delicious meal with other residents. Other common areas in the home allow for group activities or quiet discussions. Wi-fi service and high-speed internet are usually available throughout the house. Many homes include regular housekeeping. With all these amenities to enjoy, residents find it easier to keep up their sober living daily schedules. 

Find The Best Sober Living Daily Schedule For You

For a lot of people, moving into a sober living home means getting some much-needed space. You have the room to work on yourself while still enjoying downtime away from the stressors of your home life. Our sober living homes provide luxurious settings designed to be the perfect location for getting sober. We provide gender-specific homes, allowing women and men to live separately. If you’d like more information about sober living, contact Creekside in Atlanta today.