support groups for families of addicts

Support Groups for Families of Addicts

Addiction is a family disease. Support groups for families of addicts prove to be crucial as part of an overall recovery plan. When one person succumbs to the world of addiction, they never suffer alone. Loved ones experience pain and frustration watching someone they care about so much while they are unable to overcome their substance use disorder. For this reason, support groups help teach loved ones what their family member is going through. As a result, they can come together armed with information about how to help them navigate a newly sober life.  

What Are Support Groups for Families of Addicts?

Most people are familiar with support groups for people struggling with drug or alcohol abuse. What some may not know is that many support groups for families of addicts exist. These groups offer a new level of ways to heal from an addiction that brings the family into the circle of getting well. Support groups are typically free and open to anyone who fits the criteria. For example, a support group for people with substance use disorders should only be attended by those trying to overcome addiction. 

Alternatively, family support groups are for those who have a loved one dealing with a drug or alcohol addiction. These support groups can be led by a therapist or by someone who has a great deal of experience dealing with having a loved one who is sick with addiction. The leader of the group guides each meeting, offering their support and expertise. Groups spend time listening to members talk about their challenges, fears, and experiences. Everyone in the group can offer their insight, support, and advice.

Support groups sometimes have a guest speaker who contributes ideas or a story designed to help the families feel understood and make progress. Overall, people can tell their stories, express their fears, and both give and receive advice. The definition of family doesn’t have to include just relatives, like parents or siblings. Good friends often feel as close as family members. For this reason, close friends often take part in support groups for families. 

Benefits of Support Groups for Families of Addicts

Several benefits can come from attending support groups for families of addicts. First, many people feel embarrassed about having a loved one who deals with alcoholism or drug addiction. They keep their stories and their feelings to themselves, which can be quite isolating and frightening. Support groups allow them to unburden themselves in a safe environment where everyone understands how they feel. This type of bonding experience lets them know they are not alone in fighting the family disease of addiction.

A lot of solid advice and eye-opening ideas can come from members of a support group. When a family member feels at a loss for what to do, others often have ideas. They may know of a resource that provides treatment or have suggestions for ways to get through the process of worrying about someone they love. The group works as a team, which helps strengthen each individual. 

Where to Find Support Groups for Families of Addicts

Many support groups for families of addicts operate in major cities and smaller towns across the country. While many require attending in-person meetings, several offer online options. Meetings times and dates vary, but most people can find one convenient to their schedules. Here are several resources for support for loved ones. 

  • Al-Anon is the grandfather of support groups. It is based on the 12-step Alcoholics Anonymous tenets but directed at family members of those addicted to alcohol. 
  • Also a 12-step-based group, Nar-Anon provides support for families impacted by a member’s drug addiction.
  • For those who prefer a secular approach, as opposed to one that focuses on a “higher power”, SMART Recovery can provide help. Self-Management and Recovery Training also offers an online forum and chat room. 
  • Parents of Addicted Loved Ones (PAL) helps moms and dads whose child deals with addiction to drugs or alcohol. 
  • Alateen is part of the AA family of support groups but specializes in offering help for adolescents with a loved one who has an addiction. 

People can also check within their community and ask physicians, therapists, and treatment facilities for more recommendations. 

Can Family Members Help Someone Who Has Completed Rehab?

Once someone completes a detox or other residential program, they still have work to do. Many people choose to move into a sober living home while they participate in outpatient treatment programs. During this time, family members may want to attend support groups in order to understand how they can support their loved ones. During a loved one’s transition from residential care to returning home, families can have an easier time coming together when support groups come into play.

Find Professional Addiction Treatment Today

Are you part of a family who wants to help someone they love that struggles with addiction? Creekside Recovery Residences understands that a substance use disorder doesn’t just affect one person. We provide beautiful, modern sober living homes for people who feel ready to embrace recovery in Tampa, St. Petersburg, and in Atlanta.

Skilled therapists use their experience to bring loved ones into part of the recovery process. As a result, families learn to communicate better, which can improve the ability of the family member to heal.
If you would like more information about support groups for families of addicts, visit our admissions page now. We can help your loved one while bringing the family back together.

is delta-8 addictive?

Is Delta-8 Addictive?

While not everyone develops an addiction, the question “Is Delta-8 addictive? deserves some consideration. It can be confusing in today’s world to understand marijuana and how it works. The introduction of medical marijuana and legalized use of recreational marijuana in some states can make it seem like using this powerful narcotic must be safe for everyone. A major component of different types of marijuana, it can become a problem for many that leads to a need for professional addiction treatment.

What is Delta-8?

The topic of marijuana usage has become more prevalent in the past several years. Many states have allowed the legal sale of marijuana for recreational use, which invites discussion as to how safe it is. Marijuana is comprised of several chemicals, including THC. THC is the chemical that causes a person to experience a feeling of being high. Delta-9 THC is particularly effective in causing this sensation. 

Delta-8 THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is similar to Delta-9 but the effect is not as strong. Delta-8 is considered a psychoactive substance that comes from the Cannabis sativa plant. Delta-8 is a cannabinoid produced by cannabis plants. Because the plant does not produce large amounts of it, manufacturing often comes from hemp-derived cannabidiols.  It is extracted from hemp or cannabis, which are legal, which makes it a legal substance on its own. 

The 2018 Farm Bill allows sales of legalized hemp, which falls under the definition of a cannabis plant that contains 0.3% Delta-9 THC or less. Levels of that amount are considered to be too low to produce a psychoactive effect. However, the Farm Bill does not directly address Delta-8 THC levels. As a result, vendors may legally sell it to people who often consume it as edibles, smoke it, or vape it. The FDA has neither evaluated nor approved products containing Delta-8. This means they have not been determined to be safe. This factors into the question “Is Delta-8 addictive?”

What Effects Does Delta-8 Cause?

Using Delta-8 can cause similar effects to those a person experiences when using Delta-9. A person may feel a sensation of being high. This can include feeling relaxed, euphoric, or sleepy. People often report a reduction in feelings of anxiety or depression when under the influence of Delta-8. When someone ingests this substance in high doses, they may experience things like music and colors in a more vivid manner, similar to drugs like ecstasy. 

Many people who use Delta-8 develop side effects such as red eyes, dry mouth, coughing, and food cravings. When they ingest unusually large amounts, they may develop feelings of anxiety or panic, paranoia, and even hallucinations. Sadly, children and pets sometimes end up gaining access to products containing Delta-8. Both kids and animals are drawn to edibles that appear to be regular gummy bears or other treats and consume them, unaware of the effects they may produce. 

Is Delta-8 Addictive?

Substances that alter how a person feels can be potentially addictive. Just because a product is legal does not mean an addiction cannot develop. These include items like alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine. People can become addicted to marijuana, as well as directly to Delta-8 they ingest in different ways. Addiction may take longer to develop than with other drugs, including opioids or stimulants. Still, the risk for addiction is real. 

The more often someone uses Delta-8, the more their tolerance increases. Delta-8 is a mood or mind-altering substance, which by definition means it contains the risk of becoming addicted to it. Like with any other potentially addictive substance, the person begins to use the drug more often at higher dosages in order to achieve the same effect. Chronic use of Delta-8 causes a person to become at risk of developing physical and or emotional dependency on it. If the person stops using it or greatly reduces the amount they use, withdrawal symptoms often begin. These can include moodiness, anxiety, depression, difficulty sleeping, and a loss of appetite. 

Treatment for Delta-8 Addiction

Someone who has found that the answer to the question “Is Delta-8 addictive” is yes will need to seek treatment. Outpatient programs can help a person understand reasons that contributed to developing an addiction. These programs can be attended while a person lives at home. For many, a more productive approach involves moving into a sober living home while going to outpatient addiction treatment.

Sober living housing provides safe, modern homes in popular neighborhoods. Residents enjoy the peer support that comes with living with others dedicated to staying sober. Sober living homes can provide access to treatment modalities including individual therapy, group therapy, medication management, and recovery coaching. Treatment like this helps the individual to understand how to replace substance abuse with healthy coping skills. When they return home, they find themselves better equipped to face life on sober terms.

Treatment for Marijuana and Delta 8 Addiction

Are you asking yourself “Is Delta-8 addictive?” because you are concerned that you or someone you love needs help? Creekside Recovery Residences understands that addiction comes in many forms. What may seem like legit usage of medical marijuana or using it recreationally in states where it’s legal can turn into a substance use disorder. When this happens, treatment can include choosing to live in a sober living home. We offer luxurious housing that allows you to recover among like-minded peers while having access to outpatient drug rehab services.

If you want to find out more about how we can help you change your life, visit our admissions page now.