therapist treats addiction as a family disease

Addiction As A Family Disease: Know More

Addiction is a family disease. Family members of addicts and alcoholics also struggle due to the dysfunction present in the home. For this reason, our sober living programs engage the entire family in recovery.

Creekside Recovery Residences supports those transitioning from long-term treatment to everyday life. Our sober living homes give you the accountability and safety you need to succeed in the early stages of addiction recovery. Visit our admissions page today to get started.

Why Is Addiction a Family Disease?

Addiction is a family disease because each family member is impacted in some way.

A person struggling with addiction often engages in other problematic behaviors that affect the entire family. For instance, lying about substance abuse or denial about its effects are common in homes with addiction.

Family members can also unintentionally enable the addiction to continue. As a result, they unknowingly contribute to the problem when they think they are helping.

Essentially, addictive behaviors don’t occur in a vacuum. These behaviors affect everyone around you—whether you realize it or not. Furthermore, depending on your relationship, the effects can differ for each family member.

[Recommended: “Help for Families of Addicts“]

How Does Addiction Affect the Family?

Addiction affects the family differently based on the role each person plays in the addict’s life. For example, children are affected differently than a spouse. But, even if they don’t express these effects, they are often burdened with excessive worry about their loved one struggling with addiction.


Spouses and romantic partners are most often the ones left to “clean up” after an addict’s behavior. They might make excuses for their loved one when they are too drunk, high, or hungover to fulfill their responsibilities to the family.

Oftentimes, spouses and partners do their best to maintain the relationship and keep the family together. However, this can get exhausting. As a result, their lives become consumed with managing their household with little to no help from an addicted partner or spouse.

[Recommended: “Navigating Life With an Alcoholic Spouse: What to Do (And What NOT to Do)“]

Children (And Adult-Children)

Children look to their parents to set an example for how to behave and deal with life’s challenges. They also need consistency from their caregivers to feel safe and secure as they grow up.

So, when a parent struggles with an addiction, this complicates the role that parents play in a child’s life. For one thing, if a child sees a parent engage in addictive behaviors to manage stress or underlying mental health issues, the child may believe that this is how they should deal with their problems too.

And, since substance abuse can alter your mood and personality, children don’t know what to expect from you. For instance, one day, you could be overly energetic and in an unusually good mood. Then, the next day, you are irritable and moody.

Children can also feel neglected—and even become numb to this neglect. When you’re too drunk or high to help, encourage, or support them, your children stop expecting you to be there for them.

Addiction in the Home Continues to Affect Children as Adults

Furthermore, the issues surrounding addictive behaviors continue to affect your child as they grow into adults. Because they were neglected or confused during childhood, they often struggle to manage stress and build meaningful relationships as adults.

Oftentimes, adult children of addicts and alcoholics become addicts themselves or marry people with significant problems. Or they become “para-alcoholics,” where they take on the problematic behaviors of their parent without abusing substances.

[Recommended: “How to Help an Alcoholic Parent“]

Parents of Addicts and Alcoholics

Parents of addicts and alcoholics could take on a similar role as a spouse or partner. In other words, they could try to help their addicted child but unknowingly enable the behavior instead.

For example, parents might get the addict out of legal trouble or give them money to shield them from the consequences of their behavior. While this seems helpful on the surface, it ultimately allows the behavior to continue.

In addition, parents of addicts and alcoholics might feel guilt over their loved one’s addiction. They could blame themselves, and, thus, feel obligated to help—even when it enables their behavior.

[Recommended: “7 Ways to Help Your Adult Alcoholic Son“]


Siblings of addicts and alcoholics—especially younger children—worry about their sibling’s behaviors. They might feel helpless to do anything. They become a bystander to the problem as a result.

In addition, siblings often feel neglected when their parents are dealing with a child who struggles with addiction. It might seem like all the attention goes to their addicted sibling. This can make children feel invisible or even resentful.

As adults, siblings might take on a similar role as parents—especially if the parents are older or deceased.

[Recommened: “Navigating a Sibling With Addiction: A Guide“]

How Can Families Recover Together?

Families can recover together by actively engaging in the treatment process of their loved one in recovery.

Family members can seek support from the treatment program their loved one attends. Oftentimes, addiction treatment centers offer resources and help for family members. This is because healthy families are vital to the recovery process.

In addition, family members can find support groups in their community, such as:

Furthermore, families can participate in family therapy while their loved one is in treatment.

How Does Family Therapy Work?

Family therapy works by addressing the disease of addiction as a family disease.

A therapist will meet with the entire family as a group to process issues surrounding addiction and other problematic behaviors. In addition, a therapist might work with individual family members for one-on-one therapy. This gives each family member the focused attention they need to manage issues affecting everyone.

Couples therapy is also common during family therapy programs. During couples therapy, spouses and romantic partners work out problems with a therapist mediating. The goal is not for the therapist to solve the problems, but to facilitate healthy communication skills for couples to find solutions.

Get Help for You and Your Family Today

It’s no secret that addiction is a family disease. Each family member deals with—or denies—the problem addiction causes among the family as a whole. At Creekside Recovery Residences, we know that family members must also face the disease of addiction for everyone to achieve the best outcomes in recovery.

Contact us today to learn more about how our sober living programs support the entire family in recovery.

woman talks to an alcoholic sibling about getting help

Navigating a Sibling With Addiction: A Guide

Helping a family member with an addiction is never easy. But when you do nothing to help them, you’ll regret it later as their addiction spirals out of control. If you have an addicted or alcoholic sibling, our guide can teach you how to help.

Creekside Recovery Residences provides sober living programs for those in recovery from substance use disorders. Visit our admissions page today to get started.

Enabling vs. Helping Your Sibling

If you’re concerned about an addicted or alcoholic sibling, you’ve probably heard the term “enabling” before. While you know enabling isn’t helpful, you might not be aware of when it’s happening. Furthermore, you’ll need tips on how to help your sibling without enabling them.

Examples of enabling a sibling’s addiction include:

  • Denying the problem altogether
  • Blaming or criticizing your sibling for their addiction
  • Justifying your sibling’s addiction and the problematic behaviors that go along with it
  • Making excuses for your sibling’s addiction
  • Minimizing their drinking or drug use (ie, “It’s a holiday—of course, he got carried away!” or “She’s going through a breakup and needs to cut loose for a bit.”
  • Taking on their responsibilities when they are too high, drunk, or hungover
  • Hoping for a change (without doing or saying anything)
  • Avoiding or ignoring the addiction and the impact on your family

Oftentimes, family members have their loved one’s best interest in mind. For example, picking up the slack for your alcoholic sibling could shield them from detrimental consequences.

Unfortunately, your sibling won’t understand the weight of their addiction if they are protected from consequences. And, eventually, you’ll burn out and won’t be able to cover for them or clean up their messes.

The following are tips to help your sibling without enabling them:

  • Avoid blaming, lecturing, or talking down to your sibling
  • Don’t use drugs or drink when they are around
  • Don’t confront them about the issue—talk from a place of concern
  • Ask for help from other family members or friends (and don’t keep their addiction a secret from the rest of your family)
  • Reach out for help from community resources and support groups
  • Don’t talk to them about getting help when they are under the influence
  • Talk to friends, family, or professional counselors about any struggles you have as a result of your sibling’s addiction

Talking to Your Addicted or Alcoholic Sibling About Treatment

When you have an addiction in your family, you will feel a range of emotions—disappointment, anger, sadness—which influence how you respond to the issue. However, your knee-jerk reactions to lecture or scold a sibling won’t be helpful. Instead, you’ll need to talk to them about getting help from a place of caring—and hope for the best.

Talking to your addicted or alcoholic sibling about seeking treatment isn’t easy. And, all you can do is share your perspective on their behavior while presenting treatment options. The rest is up to them.

One of the best things you can do to help your sibling is learn more about addiction and treatment.

The more you learn about addiction, the more you’ll understand what your sibling is going through. Furthermore, by learning about treatment programs, you’ll know what they will need to get better. This will help you when you talk to your sibling about getting help.

Additional Tips for Family Members of Alcoholics and Addicts

You won’t have any control over what your sibling does about their addiction. However, if they are in danger or putting someone else at risk, there are laws regarding involuntary treatment under specific circumstances.

For example, in Florida, the Marchman Act and the Baker Act outline how to get someone into mental health or substance abuse treatment.

Additionally, here are some more ways to help you and your family:

  • Offer to take your sibling to a support group meeting. Support groups like Narcotics and Alcoholics Anonymous (NA and AA, respectively) have helped millions of people recover from substance abuse. SMART Recovery, a non-12-step program, offers an alternative to traditional support groups.
  • Attend an “open” support group meeting yourself. You can also attend support group meetings for recovering alcoholics and addicts to learn more about what your sibling is going through. Some support groups host “open meetings“—meaning they welcome outsiders to sit in.
  • Go to a support group specifically for family members of alcoholics and addicts. Al-Anon Family Groups offer support and 12-step programming for family members.

Helpful Resources for Family Members

The following resources can help you learn more about addiction, treatment, and how to talk to your addicted or alcoholic sibling:

[Recommended: “Addiction As a Family Disease: Know More“]

Get Help For Your Sibling Today

Addiction in the family is always difficult to deal with. You might feel ashamed, embarrassed, worried, sad, or helpless. But, you aren’t alone.

If you have an addicted or alcoholic sibling, we’re here to help. Contact Creekside Recovery Residences today.

talking to alcoholic spouse

Navigating Life With an Alcoholic Spouse: What To Do (And What NOT to Do)

When your spouse is addicted to alcohol, your marriage—and your life—can feel out of control. So, what can you do to help your alcoholic spouse? And, what actions are unhelpful?

At Creekside Recovery Center, we offer sober living programs to help those struggling with addiction and co-occurring mental health disorders. Visit our admissions page today to find a supportive home environment for your spouse.

5 Ways to Help Your Alcoholic Spouse (And Yourself)

Untreated alcoholism will have a negative impact on your spouse, yourself, and your entire family. You can’t just ignore the problem and hope it goes away on its own. On the other hand, you can’t control your spouse’s behavior—and this might make you feel helpless.

However, you can empower yourself—and your family—by taking the following steps:

1. Learn More About Alcoholism

Alcoholism is a disease affecting millions of Americans each year. According to the 2022 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), 28.8 million people aged 18 and older had a past year alcohol use disorder (AUD).

Learning more about alcoholism puts things into perspective. As you learn to understand alcohol addiction as a disease, you can separate your spouse from their problematic behaviors. This will help you focus on dealing with the problem for what it is: a mental disorder that can be treated.

The following resources can help you learn more:

In addition, you can attend open Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings to learn more and hear stories from other alcoholics.

2. Set Healthy Boundaries

Healthy boundaries are critical for living with an alcoholic spouse. This means you have clear rules and expectations about alcohol use in your home. It also means there are consequences to crossing certain boundaries.

You have to be reasonable and temper your expectations when setting boundaries. Otherwise, you could set yourself and your spouse up for failure. For example, if the boundary is simply, “you need to stop drinking right now,” you aren’t giving your spouse any chance to recover.

Instead, you can set boundaries around seeking treatment or about unacceptable times for drinking. You might not allow drinking around children or during holidays, for instance.

3. Get Support for Yourself

You can’t control your alcoholic spouse and how they will deal with underlying issues regarding their drinking. However, you can get help and support for yourself.

Support groups, like Al-Anon Family Groups, are a great place to start. In family groups, you can learn from and share experiences with others who have been in your place before.

4. Take Care of Yourself (Self-Care)

It is crucial that you take care of yourself and don’t neglect your own needs. Oftentimes, you are so preoccupied with your spouse’s behaviors, that you don’t take any time for yourself. Learn to let go a little and do things for yourself, like taking a break, relaxing, talking to a friend, or engaging in your own interests.

Engaging in self-care will help to keep tensions at a minimum at home. This will also help you from burning out and ultimately will enable you to be there for your loved one when they are ready to get help.

In addition, you can seek therapy or counseling to learn how to deal with the stress of living with an alcoholic spouse.

5. Helping Your Kids

If you have children, you need to ensure that their needs are met as well. You might not think that your children understand the situation. However, you’d be surprised at how much kids know about the problems at home.

It’s best to speak openly about the problem. Let your kids know that their other parent has a disease, and this disease causes them to seem different. Also, encourage them to share their feelings and attend support groups or therapy as well.

However, if your spouse is abusive to you or your children, you need to understand your legal rights if you need to remove an alcoholic from your home.

5 Things NOT to Do When Dealing With an Alcoholic Spouse

It’s also important to know what not to do when living with an alcoholic spouse. Sometimes, people with alcoholism in the home either ignore the issue or aggravate it. Knowing what not to do can help you from unintentionally worsening the problem.

1. Don’t Enable Their Addiction

“Enable” is a word that is used often when discussing family members of alcoholics and addicts. Essentially, enabling means that a person thinks they are helping their loved one, however, they are actually creating conditions that allow the problematic behaviors to occur.

Examples of enabling include making excuses when an alcoholic spouse is drunk or hungover and misses work or social events. Another is protecting them from dealing with any legal consequences, like a public drinking charge or DUI.

2. Don’t Ignore the Problem

Many families of alcoholics hope that the problem will go away on its own. They ignore the issue or tip-toe around it. Unfortunately, this won’t help anyone.

Ignoring the problem can lead to increased tension, passive-aggression, enabling, and “para-alcoholism” (taking on the problematic behaviors of an alcoholic without drinking).

3. Don’t Blame Yourself

Spouses of alcoholics also have a tendency to blame themselves for the problem. Remember: this isn’t your fault. Your spouse has a disease—and neither you nor they can control that.

Blame often leads to guilt, shame, doubt, and low self-esteem. Over time, you could develop a mental health disorder, like depression or anxiety as these thoughts become overwhelming.

Instead, talk to a support group, friend, or counselor about your feelings to develop healthy ways of coping with the problem.

4. Don’t Try to Control Their Drinking

Any attempt at controlling your spouse’s behaviors could lead to conflicts and escalate their drinking. For example, you might lecture them about it, complain about their behavior, create ultimatums, or shame them. Not only is this not helpful, but it wastes time and energy that could be spent doing something more productive.

Instead, talk to them about your concerns, express empathy, and encourage treatment. Of course, you don’t want to hold back either—let them know how this behavior affects you and the family.

5. Don’t Talk About Drinking When They’re Drunk

It’s tempting to give in to knee-jerk reactions when your loved one is drunk. After all, this is when conflicts, tensions, and issues arise. However, talking to your spouse about changing their behaviors when they are under the influence won’t help.

For one thing, they probably won’t remember anything you’ve said. Even if you seem to get somewhere with them, it’s unlikely that they will follow through after they sober up. And, even if they agree with you that they need help, they might just be trying to get you off their back.

Make sure to have the important conversations about drinking and treatment programs when your spouse is sober. Even if they don’t change their behavior, at least they’ll be in a state of mind to hear your concerns and consider their next steps.

Get Help for Your Alcoholic Spouse Today

Creekside Recovery Residences offers sober living homes and other treatment options for those struggling with alcoholism. If your spouse needs help and a stable place to live while they get treatment, we can help. Contact us today for more.

woman talks to her alcoholic parent

How To Help An Alcoholic Parent

Knowing how to deal with an alcoholic parent is vital to the health of your family. You can’t control their behaviors, but establishing healthy boundaries can keep you from burning out or overreacting. In addition, you can help them find treatment—when they are ready to accept help.

Creekside Recovery Residences can help your alcoholic parent when they accept that they need treatment. But, if they are not ready yet, the following tips can help you deal with your parent’s problematic drinking:

8 Tips to Deal With an Alcoholic Parent

It can be tough to deal with an alcoholic parent—even when you are an adult. Oftentimes, unresolved feelings about past behaviors during childhood can get in the way of seeing your parent as a person who struggles.

However, there are ways that you can help your alcoholic parent—or at the very least, accept the situation for what it is without burning yourself out in the process.

#1. Help Yourself

The first and most important step in dealing with any loved one who struggles with problematic behaviors is to help yourself. You’re going to have strong feelings come up when dealing with your parent. These feelings can start to drive your reactions and behaviors when they are unresolved.

Helping yourself can include a lot of things. Sometimes, it’s as simple as walking away for a few minutes to calm down if you’re arguing with your parent. Other times, it’s engaging in self-care activities, like exercise, listening to music, or journaling.

But you might need to go deeper and work with a therapist to resolve any lingering issues with your parent. If your parent has been drinking all of your life, they can help you cope with the long-term effects of growing up with an alcoholic parent. After all, addiction is a family disease that affects everyone—not just the alcoholic.

In addition, support groups like Al-Anon and Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACA) can help you feel less alone and provide additional tips.

#2. Learn More About Alcoholism

One of the other benefits of the support groups mentioned above is that you will learn more about the disease of alcoholism. This can help you put things into perspective so you see your parent as a person struggling.

You can also attend open meetings for Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). Open meetings allow nonalcoholics to observe. Sometimes, hearing about other people’s experiences can provide insight into your parent’s behaviors.

There are also resources online that provide valuable information about alcoholism, including:

#3. Build a Support System

Dealing with an alcoholic parent isn’t easy, but it’s easier when other people support you. Adult children of alcoholics often feel shame about their parent’s behaviors. This can get in the way of talking to other people about what is going on.

However, it is critical that you develop a good support system to prevent yourself from getting burnt out. If you have siblings or a non-drinking parent, reach out to share the responsibility. Also, if your alcoholic parent has siblings, they can offer support for you as well.

Your support system can help you host interventions and encourage your parent to get help. They can also pitch in if you need to take your alcoholic parent to an AA meeting or a rehab program. Some examples could be someone to babysit your children or watch your pets if you need to be with your alcoholic parent.

Other times, you just need someone to talk to. You can talk to a trusted friend about the issues or a sponsor in a support group for families of alcoholics.

#4. Let Go of Guilt and Responsibility

Besides shame, guilt and responsibility over your parent’s drinking can get in the way of helping them. Their drinking is not—and never was—your fault. Taking on guilt and too much responsibility for other people’s behaviors can lead to burnout.

#5. Set Healthy and Respectful Boundaries (Without Enabling)

Healthy and respectful boundaries are important when dealing with an alcoholic parent. On one hand, you want to be firm so you aren’t enabling their behaviors. On the other hand, they are still your parent, and you want them to be a part of your life.

Boundaries are going to look different for everyone. Essentially, you are setting your own expectations and limits while not trying to control another’s behaviors.

Examples of healthy and respectful boundaries with alcoholic parents include:

  • Not allowing any drinking at your home. What they do in their home is their business, but you won’t let it happen under your roof.
  • Avoid them when you know they are most likely to be drinking. For example, if certain dates or holidays trigger your parent’s drinking, then you might not want to contact them at that time. Also, if your parent drinks at a certain time of the day, avoid calling or visiting at that time.
  • No longer paying for fines and legal fees. If you’ve paid for any legal consequences—like DUI or disorderly conduct charges—for your parent’s problematic drinking, you can refuse to do so from now on.
  • Don’t allow your parent to babysit their grandchildren when drunk. This can be tough—you probably don’t want to cut your parent out of your grandchildren’s lives. However, you can set a limit—perhaps they can visit, but can’t be relied on as a sitter.

#6. Don’t Talk to Your Parent When They Are Drunk

As mentioned above, not talking to your parent when they are drunk is an important boundary. However, this point needs to be emphasized. When you find your parent drunk, this is not the time to talk to them about their drinking.

Oftentimes, you want to succumb to knee-jerk reactions when your parent is drinking. You might want to lecture them or confront them about what they are doing in the moment. You might even believe they need to hear it out when the problem behavior occurs or the consequences won’t stick.

Unfortunately, talking to your parent about their behaviors while they are drunk doesn’t help anyone. Maybe it feels good for a fleeting moment to let it out, but it never helps in the long term.

For instance, they will likely say something you don’t want to hear. Conversely, they might agree with you to get help just to get you off their back for now. But, in the end, they probably won’t remember anything you’ve discussed.

#7. Helping Vs. Enabling (What’s the Difference?)

There’s a difference between helping someone with their problematic drinking and enabling their behaviors. Sometimes, what you think is helpful could enable them to continue drinking. In other words, you unintentionally send the message that problem drinking is okay.

It can be difficult to define enabling exactly, but some examples can illustrate the point. For instance, if you bail them out of jail when they get a DUI, you could be enabling. Or, if you make excuses for them when they are unable to fulfill their responsibilities to work or the family due to being drunk or hungover.

Essentially, enabling shields your parent from the consequences of their actions. Helping, however, requires maintaining your boundaries, offering support to help them treat their addiction, or taking care of things for them at home if they go to treatment.

#8. Be Realistic: You Can’t Control Their Drinking

Lastly, remember to be realistic about your expectations when dealing with an alcoholic parent. You can’t control their drinking and related problematic behaviors. You can only control your responses to their drinking.

By letting go of control, you will be more effective and present if your parent is finally ready to get treatment.

Treatment Options for Your Alcoholic Parent

Depending on where your parent is in their addiction or their recovery, there are several treatment options available, including:

  • Alcohol Detox: This is the first step to treating addiction. During detox, your alcoholic parent will get the professional support they need to manage withdrawal symptoms safely.
  • Residential Treatment: After detox, many people go into a residential treatment center, also called inpatient rehab. Many clients stay in residential treatment for 30 to 90 days to build a foundation for long-term recovery.
  • Outpatient Rehab: After residential treatment, it’s best to continue with outpatient treatment. Many treatment centers offer step-down programs so that your parent can transition gradually from higher to lower levels of care.
  • Sober Living Homes: During outpatient treatment, your parent might want to consider a sober living home. That way, they still get support and accountability for their sobriety in the early stages of recovery.
  • Recovery Coaching/Sober Companions: Recovery coaches and sober companions can accompany your parent during the early stages of recovery. They can offer additional support, check-ins, and companionship.
  • Case Management: The role of a case manager is to help their clients obtain additional resources to support their recovery. For example, your parent might need a doctor, legal services, safe housing, or co-occurring mental health treatment.

Get Help for Your Alcoholic Parent Today

If you have to deal with an alcoholic parent, remember that you are not alone. Support groups can help you deal with your own emotions and offer valuable tips about what to do—and what not to do. In addition, it helps to contact addiction treatment centers for more information about their services.

Creekside Recovery Residences is here to help your alcoholic parent when they are ready. Contact us today to learn more.

father isn't sure how to deal with alcoholic adult son

7 Ways To Help Your Alcoholic Adult Son

Knowing how to deal with an alcoholic son is a challenge for parents of adult children with an addiction. However, there are ways to help your son to put them on the path to recovery.

Creekside Recovery Residences offers sober living programs for men in recovery from alcohol addiction. When your son is ready for treatment, we’ll be here to guide you through the process.

In the meantime, here are seven ways you can help your alcoholic son:

#1. Get Help for Yourself

When your adult son struggles with alcoholism, this can take a toll on your mental health. It’s understandable to be upset or stressed out dealing with an alcoholic adult son. But it’s important to acknowledge how it affects you and to learn healthy coping skills.

Oftentimes, addiction treatment centers offer support for family members of alcoholics or addicts. This gives you a place to vent, process, and manage your emotions about your son’s behavior.

#2. Attend Family Support Groups

Support groups for families of alcoholics and addicts are great places to get additional help for your own feelings on the issue. One of the most common groups is Al-Anon, which is geared specifically toward family members of alcoholics. However, you can also find other support groups in your community to help you.

#3. Build a Support System

It’s also important to build a support system of family and friends. When you deal with an alcoholic son, other members of your family are affected by the issue. You can all lean on one another for support so that no one gets burnt out by taking on too much.

Your support system can include people you can talk to about the situation, like friends and co-workers. In addition, the people in your support system can help when you need to take your adult son to appointments or treatment programs. For example, you might need a friend to watch a pet while you drive your son to a rehab center out of town.

#4. Set Boundaries and Limits

Setting boundaries and limits are important skills when learning how to deal with an alcoholic son. Without boundaries and limits, you could be unintentionally enabling their addiction or other problematic behaviors.

Some examples of healthy boundaries and limits for an alcoholic son include:

  • Not making excuses for their behavior
  • Not allowing alcohol in your home
  • Not shielding them from the consequences of their actions
  • No longer giving them money or financial support

Remember: the key to setting healthy boundaries and limits isn’t to control your son’s behavior. Rather, it is about controlling your responses to their alcoholism and problematic behaviors.

#5. Learn More About Alcoholism and Treatment

One of the best ways to deal with an alcoholic son is to learn more about alcoholism as well as treatment. Learning more about alcoholism can provide the following benefits:

  • Alleviates feelings of guilt, shame, and self-blame
  • Sympathize with what your son is dealing with
  • Understand the underlying causes of addiction

By learning more about how alcohol addiction is treated, you can help your alcoholic son explore options when they are ready for treatment.

#6. Know What NOT to Say or Do

Of course, there are some things that you want to avoid doing or saying when helping your alcoholic son. The following are things to avoid:

  • Don’t give ultimatums or make threats. Although you might feel like this is in their best interest, ultimatums and threats can ruin your relationship with your son. They can also be difficult for you to uphold—making you seem inconsistent.
  • Don’t confront them—especially if they are currently under the influence. Confrontations about alcoholism aren’t helpful. Instead, discuss the issue from a place of concern and be non-judgmental. Also, never confront an alcoholic about their drinking when they are under the influence. This won’t help anyone and could ignite intense emotions.
  • Don’t blame them. Alcoholism, and any issues related to it, are your son’s responsibility to manage and face the consequences of. However, acknowledging responsibility and facing consequences isn’t the same as taking blame. Blaming them for the issue doesn’t help them come around to dealing with it—it usually makes things worse.
  • Don’t lecture or criticize. Sometimes, parents revert to how they dealt with their son as a child or adolescent. But, now you must talk to your alcoholic son as an adult. Lecturing or criticizing them for their actions could create distance from you and your son.
  • Don’t give mixed messages. If you keep your drinking under control, you might struggle to understand what alcoholism is like for your son. Sometimes, you might pressure them to have a drink or two on holidays or special occasions—rationalizing that they can handle just one. Alternatively, you might drink heavily in front of them. This sends mixed messages to your alcoholic son.

#7. Be Patient and Acknowledge the Wins

It takes time to see significant changes when you deal with an alcoholic son. Oftentimes, you might overlook the small steps they take because you want them to overcome their disorder entirely. But, it’s important to be patient and to acknowledge the wins—even the daily victories.

And, remember that alcoholism is a chronic condition. This means that a relapse is more likely than not. However, a relapse doesn’t mean that your son cannot recover from addiction. They shouldn’t give up because of any setbacks—and neither should you.

Help Your Alcoholic Son Find Treatment Today

Creekside Recovery Residences offers sober living programs for those who need a safe and secure place to continue their recovery after inpatient treatment. We also connect our residents to outpatient programs and other helpful resources that put your son on the path to long-lasting recovery from alcohol addiction.

Contact us today to learn more.

family therapy during outpatient addiction treatment

Help for Families of Addicts

Finding help for families of addicts is critical to treating the disease of addiction. While many think of addiction as only that person’s problem, addiction affects the entire family unit. Not only that, but family members are most people’s only outlet for support when they begin recovery. Thus, healing the family helps to improve the outcomes for both the addict and their loved ones.

At Creekside Recovery Residences, we understand that addiction is a family disease. We are here to help those struggling with addiction as well as their families.

How Does Addiction Affect the Family?

Addiction most directly affects family members living with the addict. However, other friends and family members outside of the home can still feel the impact in many ways. The way that addiction affects the family depends greatly on the person’s relationship to the addict.

The effects of addiction on different family members can vary based on the following relationships:

Children of Addicts

Children are among the most vulnerable family members affected by addiction. In 2020, parental drug and alcohol use was a condition of removal in 39.0% of cases where a child was removed from their home to out-of-home care in the US, according to the National Center on Substance Abuse and Child Welfare.

Children depend upon their parents to meet their physical, mental, and emotional health needs. When one or both parents abuse drugs and alcohol, they often neglect their children’s needs—sometimes unknowingly or unintentionally.

Children of addicts adopt maladaptive family roles to cope with the trauma of addiction in the home. Some children become overachievers while others get into trouble themselves. Still, others make themselves invisible and hold their feelings inside—leading to low self-esteem, depression, and difficulty building healthy relationships.


Sometimes, addiction occurs among children in the home—typically teens or young adults. Younger children are often affected by the behaviors of their older siblings. They might be excessively worried about them, even if they don’t show it.

In addition, in homes where one or both parents are addicted, older siblings often take on the parental roles for younger siblings. They might be burdened with the household responsibilities of cleaning, cooking, and tending to the needs of younger children. With these additional responsibilities, they don’t get a chance to have a normal childhood and adolescence.

Parents of Adult Children

Adult children is a term that refers to addicted adults in their relationship with their parents. Even into adulthood, the parents of adult children could be bailing their child out of legal issues, helping with finances, or taking on a parental role with grandchildren.


The spouse or partner of an addict can struggle with the isolation and frustration of being in a relationship with an addict. They might develop a mental health disorder, like depression or anxiety, as a result of the stress. They could be the one who helps to cover up for the other person’s addiction, like calling in for them when the addict is dealing with the aftereffects of substance abuse.

Parenting partners of addicts could also cover up for their addicted partner’s lack of attention to their children. In extreme cases, a spouse or partner might need to legally remove the addict from their home due to safety concerns, especially with children in the home.

Friends and Other Loved Ones

A person’s family could consist of other people outside of blood relatives. Friends and other loved ones could also be affected by an addict. For instance, they might be called to pick them up after a DUI arrest or give them a place to stay if they get kicked out of their homes. Addiction can strain even the closest and longest of friendships.

5 Tips to Help Families of Addicts

Family members and other loved ones of addicts often feel helpless in their situation. They might have tried to intervene in their loved one’s behavior to no avail. Or, they could feel so overwhelmed that they don’t even know where to start.

The following are tips to help families of addicts:

#1. Engage in Self-Care

Self-care is one of the first things that family members of addicts can do to help themselves. Oftentimes, families of addicts put the needs of the addict first. They frequently feel like they have no time to themselves, which leads to increased stress, anxiety, and even depression.

By taking even a few minutes per day to engage in self-care, families can start to change their outlook on the situation at home. Examples of self-care include:

  • Exercise
  • Meditation
  • Listening to music
  • Reading
  • Watching a movie
  • Going for a walk

#2. Attend Therapy

Therapy can also help families of addicts. Many treatment centers offer family therapy when addicts are in a treatment program. Family therapy helps to rebuild the family dynamics and address issues that occur due to addiction.

However, each family member can also attend individual therapy. This can help family members manage stress and anxiety resulting from loving an addict. In addition, since family members’ own issues are often sidelined, therapy can help them become the best version of themselves—even if their addicted loved one refuses to seek help.

#3. Join a Support Group

Support groups have helped families of addicts connect with others in similar situations. Many family members of addicts feel isolated in their situation. This can lead to loneliness as well as shame about their loved one’s addiction.

Support groups remind family members that they aren’t alone. They have peers who are also affected by a loved one’s addiction. Some of the most common support groups for families of addicts include:

#4. Learn More About Addiction

Learning more about addiction can also help families of addicts. Sometimes, additional information can shed light on a loved one’s substance abuse. This can also help family members find solutions as well as look for signs of relapse if a loved one has been in treatment.

The following resources can help family members of addicts find information about addiction and treatment:

#5. Reach Out to Treatment Programs

Reaching out directly to treatment programs can also help families of addicts. They can help families understand the nature of addiction and how to treat an addiction. By understanding the steps involved in recovery, family members have a better understanding of what their loved one will need to recover.

In addition, reaching out to treatment centers can help families find options if and when their loved one decides to get treatment for drug or alcohol addiction.

Reach Out to Sober Living Programs Today

Creekside Recovery Residences understands that addiction doesn’t just affect the addict—the entire family struggles. We’re here to help addicts recover as well as provide help for families of addicts when they seek treatment. Our sober living programs provide a safe and secure environment for those engaged in outpatient drug and alcohol rehab.

Contact us today to learn more about the treatment process at our sober living programs.

alcoholic drinks alone after being legally removed from home

How to Legally Remove an Alcoholic From Your Home

Alcohol addiction can bring several problems into a person’s home. The alcoholic could be putting others in danger or creating an unhealthy environment for children. While many people recover from alcohol addiction, some people refuse to get help or won’t get help until they face severe consequences. Whether a tenant or a family member, it is important to learn how to legally remove an alcoholic from your home.

While no one wants to be put into this position, there are sober living programs that can provide a safe place for alcoholics to live if they cannot stay at home. Creekside Recovery Residences helps people get back on their feet when they are unable to stay sober while living at home.

Tenant vs. Family Member

When an alcoholic is living at another person’s home, their behaviors could be a cause for concern. For example, they might be disruptive to neighbors or others living in the home. Or, the alcoholic could be at risk of overdose or other negative consequences. Family members, especially children, could be in danger when living with an alcoholic.

No matter the reason, legally removing an alcoholic from your home could look different depending on your relationship with the person.

How to Legally Remove an Alcoholic Tenant

Tenants have some legal protections from being kicked out of rental properties. These protections help people who might otherwise face discrimination by their landlords. Since alcoholism and other substance use disorders (SUD) are considered disabilities, “the Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination in housing and housing-related transactions” due to these disorders. Thus, a landlord must go through the proper eviction channels to remove an alcoholic tenant.

A landlord needs to go through the following steps and must prove that the person broke rules and regulations or poses a threat:

  • Provide a warning. It is best to begin with a verbal warning if you can do so safely. For some people, a warning could get them to turn their behavior around.
  • Get law enforcement involved. If a warning isn’t enough, you might need to report the issue to law enforcement. That way, you can report any illegal activity or safety concerns as you prepare to evict the person.
  • File an eviction notice. Each state and city might have different laws regarding evictions. However, you can file an eviction notice at your local courthouse and consult with legal professionals if an eviction is warranted.

How to Legally Remove an Alcoholic From Your Family Home

Addiction often affects not only the person struggling but those closest to them as well. Unlike a landlord, family members need to consider the impact on their relationship with the alcoholic. They also have to deal with the negative emotions associated with kicking a family member out of the home.

However, when an alcoholic refuses treatment or engages in abusive behaviors driven by their addiction, family members are left with few options. Depending upon your relationship, your approach may vary. Still, you want to begin by getting legal advice and support from others.

Consult an Attorney and Get Support

It is best to get legal help when you need a family member to leave your home. Unlike a tenant, who is bound to follow the rules and regulations of a lease, families don’t have such documents. Therefore, it helps to talk to an attorney about when, why, and how to legally remove an alcoholic from your home.

In addition to legal counsel, get support from other family members, loved ones, and rehab professionals. Removing an alcoholic from your home can be challenging and emotionally draining—especially for a family member. You can also seek support from a therapist or a support group for families of alcoholics, such as Al-Anon.

Children (Under 18)

According to the Partnership to End Addiction, children or teens struggling with alcohol addiction could be involuntarily committed to addiction treatment in many states. Hopefully, a parent doesn’t need to resort to legally removing their child from their home to attend rehab, however, sometimes, this is what it takes.

Adult Children Living at Home

Unlike children under the age of 18, parents are not legally required to provide the needs of their adult children. Therefore, you can legally remove any adult children living in your home—especially if their behavior is disruptive or violent.

Abusive Spouse or Parent

If the alcoholic in your home is abusive toward any family members—whether this is physical, emotional, or sexual abuse—you can file an order of exclusive occupancy. You will need to gather evidence of the abuse to ensure that you can build a case for the order to go through.

Can I Get a Loved One into a Sober Living Home?

If there is abuse in your home, you must consider your safety or the safety of others in your home and evict your loved one. But, if your loved one is willing to enter treatment, there are options for them. Sober living homes are a great place for alcoholics to get a fresh start as they learn the skills they need to maintain long-term sobriety. Most homes require residents to attend an outpatient rehab program during their stay.

However, if your loved one is actively drinking, they should enter a detox or other form of inpatient rehab before sober living. You can reach out to professionals about their programs, what type of insurance they accept, and what type of program your loved one needs. In some cases, rehab professionals can meet you and your loved one during an intervention.

Overall, if your loved one is willing to get help, it is best to help them find treatment options rather than evict them without a plan. But, no matter what, you must be firm and set limits on what behaviors you will allow in your home.

Find Help for an Alcoholic Living in Your Home Today

When an alcoholic is living in your home, you might be concerned about their safety as well as your own. Sometimes, family members must put limits on their loved one’s behavior and remove them from their homes. On the other hand, a landlord might need to evict a tenant due to problematic behaviors like unpaid rent or destruction of property while under the influence.

Regardless of the reason, legally removing an alcoholic from your home isn’t easy. If you are concerned about a family member or tenant struggling with alcohol addiction, a sober living program might be the best option for them when they can no longer live in your home.

Contact Creekside Recovery Residences today to find solutions for the alcoholic in your life.

support groups for families of addicts

Support Groups for Families of Addicts

Addiction is a family disease. Support groups for families of addicts prove to be crucial as part of an overall recovery plan. When one person succumbs to the world of addiction, they never suffer alone. Loved ones experience pain and frustration watching someone they care about so much while they are unable to overcome their substance use disorder. For this reason, support groups help teach loved ones what their family member is going through. As a result, they can come together armed with information about how to help them navigate a newly sober life.  

What Are Support Groups for Families of Addicts?

Most people are familiar with support groups for people struggling with drug or alcohol abuse. What some may not know is that many support groups for families of addicts exist. These groups offer a new level of ways to heal from an addiction that brings the family into the circle of getting well. Support groups are typically free and open to anyone who fits the criteria. For example, a support group for people with substance use disorders should only be attended by those trying to overcome addiction. 

Alternatively, family support groups are for those who have a loved one dealing with a drug or alcohol addiction. These support groups can be led by a therapist or by someone who has a great deal of experience dealing with having a loved one who is sick with addiction. The leader of the group guides each meeting, offering their support and expertise. Groups spend time listening to members talk about their challenges, fears, and experiences. Everyone in the group can offer their insight, support, and advice.

Support groups sometimes have a guest speaker who contributes ideas or a story designed to help the families feel understood and make progress. Overall, people can tell their stories, express their fears, and both give and receive advice. The definition of family doesn’t have to include just relatives, like parents or siblings. Good friends often feel as close as family members. For this reason, close friends often take part in support groups for families. 

Benefits of Support Groups for Families of Addicts

Several benefits can come from attending support groups for families of addicts. First, many people feel embarrassed about having a loved one who deals with alcoholism or drug addiction. They keep their stories and their feelings to themselves, which can be quite isolating and frightening. Support groups allow them to unburden themselves in a safe environment where everyone understands how they feel. This type of bonding experience lets them know they are not alone in fighting the family disease of addiction.

A lot of solid advice and eye-opening ideas can come from members of a support group. When a family member feels at a loss for what to do, others often have ideas. They may know of a resource that provides treatment or have suggestions for ways to get through the process of worrying about someone they love. The group works as a team, which helps strengthen each individual. 

Where to Find Support Groups for Families of Addicts

Many support groups for families of addicts operate in major cities and smaller towns across the country. While many require attending in-person meetings, several offer online options. Meetings times and dates vary, but most people can find one convenient to their schedules. Here are several resources for support for loved ones. 

  • Al-Anon is the grandfather of support groups. It is based on the 12-step Alcoholics Anonymous tenets but directed at family members of those addicted to alcohol. 
  • Also a 12-step-based group, Nar-Anon provides support for families impacted by a member’s drug addiction.
  • For those who prefer a secular approach, as opposed to one that focuses on a “higher power”, SMART Recovery can provide help. Self-Management and Recovery Training also offers an online forum and chat room. 
  • Parents of Addicted Loved Ones (PAL) helps moms and dads whose child deals with addiction to drugs or alcohol. 
  • Alateen is part of the AA family of support groups but specializes in offering help for adolescents with a loved one who has an addiction. 

People can also check within their community and ask physicians, therapists, and treatment facilities for more recommendations. 

Can Family Members Help Someone Who Has Completed Rehab?

Once someone completes a detox or other residential program, they still have work to do. Many people choose to move into a sober living home while they participate in outpatient treatment programs. During this time, family members may want to attend support groups in order to understand how they can support their loved ones. During a loved one’s transition from residential care to returning home, families can have an easier time coming together when support groups come into play.

Find Professional Addiction Treatment Today

Are you part of a family who wants to help someone they love that struggles with addiction? Creekside Recovery Residences understands that a substance use disorder doesn’t just affect one person. We provide beautiful, modern sober living homes for people who feel ready to embrace recovery in Tampa, St. Petersburg, and in Atlanta.

Skilled therapists use their experience to bring loved ones into part of the recovery process. As a result, families learn to communicate better, which can improve the ability of the family member to heal.
If you would like more information about support groups for families of addicts, visit our admissions page now. We can help your loved one while bringing the family back together.